By Itai Segal The One My Soul Loves

Original family drama

Late one night, Dvori Baum is summoned to a hospital in central Israel.

In the hospital lies her son, seriously wounded in the savage shooting at Bar Noar (Youth
Bar). In the shooting, a masked man entered Bar Noar at the LGBT Association in Tel Aviv
and fired indiscriminately, murdering Nir Katz and Liz Trobishi and wounding more than a
dozen others.

He is unconscious, and no one can explain to Dvori what happened and what her only son
was doing in a bar for gays and lesbians.

Thus begins a poignant family drama at the center of which is a religious 17-year-old boy,
unexpectedly forced to come out to his family just hours after his life was miraculously
saved. He soon finds himself forced by his family to undergo conversion therapy. The play,
written after the tragic events of the Bar Noar massacre, is an original family drama that
explores relevant and volatile issues such as conversion therapy, homophobia, and hate

Development of the play - with the support of "The Future of Theater" - Initiative of the Tel Aviv Municipality - Jaffa to encourage young plays in the city theaters.
From the age of 16 and up

Show Duration 90 Minutes without a break

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